Friday, January 22, 2010

Green cleaning pro and con

Written By Anthony Pasquale
Operations Manager
Boston Cleaning Company, Inc.

Green Cleaning/LEED Certification:

One of the hottest topics in the facilities maintenance industry today.

It is true, that if you work with your cleaning company, the nine cleaning related points needed towards LEED Certification can be met.

Nine Points That Need To Be Met:

* Institute the use of environmentally-preferable and/or bio-based and reduce –risk
cleaning chemicals
* Install and use a closed loop chemical management dispensing system, minimizing
human exposure
* Use concentrated cleaning chemicals, and dilute accurately via a chemical
management system
* Institute the use of environmentally-preferable paper products throughout the facility
* Institute the use of environmentally-preferable plastic refuse bags
* Install walk-off mats at entry-ways
* Use micro-fiber mops and cloths
* Use energy-efficient vacuums with filters
* Utilize a chemical management software program to manage, monitor and supply

However! There are still almost thirty more points pertaining to the operation of the lighting, plumbing, electrical, hvac and design and function of your facility. Depending on the level of LEED Certification you are seeking, it may take several months and even several years before you get that highly desired LEED Certification.

During that time, you will have to document the use of the chemicals, equipment and procedures that your cleaning firm will require. The procedures will have to be sustained through the interim waiting period and then audited after your facility receives LEED Certification.

It will be quite beneficial to choose a cleaning firm that will document the use of and have access to third party certified green cleaning products and equipment.

I would suggest using a larger cleaning firm as they will have greater access and purchasing power with the green cleaning supply distributors. These products are not so cheap, so larger purchasing power will help. Furthermore, many green cleaning products do not work that well, so you must have someone with a proven track record. Make sure to request MSDS sheets and product use and effectiveness.

For more information or to request a free quote for your facility please click on our link and one of our sales representatives will contact you very soon;

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